A Pristine Bride

Carrying the nectar of life,
Standing the test of time.
Evoking beautiful memories, full of bliss,
I rumble across the valley, as a serene princess.

Twisted and turned, short and wide,
On this beautiful earth, I love to reside.
I flow for miles altogether,
Since time immemorial, I am a priceless saviour.

Surrounded by mountains calm,
In their shadows, softly I flow.
My water is pleasant and warm,
On many a soul, life did I bestow.

Surrounded by lush green carpets,
I am a travellers paradise.
Spawned a thousand rivulets,
Many a mortal did I entice.

A silent spectator to history,
My existence has been an open mystery.
Ageless that I am, have not become weary,
Never let down anyone, never been dreary.

I have existed for years million,
By Gods grace would do so for another billion.
I wish to protect and create, and evoke a smile,
My existence would only then be worthwhile.

Adored for centuries, I have always plied,
I am my nations pride.
Many a secret, in me, did the men confide,
Yet untouched, Ain't I A Pristine Bride?

A Pristine Bride

P.S. These are the thoughts of the Kunar river which rumbles across the Kunar province in Afghanistan. I was attracted to this serene picture. It was surprising to know that such natural beauty exists in a country ravaged by wars for decades.