WOW! OCT 25----MY BLOG IS OFFICIALLY 1-YEAR OLD! Can you believe that?

I was really excited this day because I achieved so many things today. So here’s a quick checklist of my achievements for a year

-          78,000+ and still counting page views,
-          360+ Google Connect Followers
-          330+ Fans in Facebook
-          270+ Followers on twitter

But these were just numbers. I haven’t told you yet the best achievement I had for my 1 year-blogging experience...

With my one year of blogging, I was able to improve myself in how i do reviews (check out my 1st ever review if you don’t believe in me: 1ST EVER REVIEW )
and most of all,  I've learned alot!!!!!

Below are just some of my learning from beauty blogging,

-there’s no such thing as perfect products, these are just products that work for you.

-I’ve learned to observe products with everything it is made of, from the ingredients, size, smell, color payoff, packaging etc. Before, I never consider this things in buying stuff. It’s always “what” people says about them then how the product works for me.

- I’ve discovered that Careline and Ever Bilena have great quality products. And some of Ever bilena products were “Mac-inspired” in terms of packaging

-Seriously, I’ve never knew what “dupe” means before in terms of makeup.  

-I’ve learned that MLBB means My Lips But Better. When I first read blogs, I really had no idea why they are describing some pink and some nude color as “MLBB”

-I’ve learned to describe colors of lipstick based on their undertones.

In real life: True Orange color
As a beauty blogger: Red lipstick with orange/warm undertone
Before, I was like “What the heck, why they call “Orange” lipsticks as red lipsticks! Are they blind??

In real life: Lavender/Purple color
As a beauty blogger: Pink with purple undertone

-I’ve learned that when describing a product, I have to consider how it looks like on real life and in pictures (with good lighting). Some products do not have shimmers on your lips but when you look at it in the picture, you’ll see that it has  shimmers

-once you started putting a certain product on your face for 1 month straight, you’ll realize later  that your face will never look the same without it. 
Ex. I’ve learned about doing eyebrows and now, I cannot go out without doing mine.

-Makeup is a skill. Sometimes, you use the same products and tools with other makeup bloggers... but you’ll get different output/outcome.

-I’ve learned that I can save more when I buy it online (not all the time, but mostly)

-Not because it looks good on her it means it will look good on you too. For instance, in lipsticks. Some lipstick may appear more beautiful on fair skin than dark skin. Foundation with shimmers look best on skin without zits.

- There are times you’ll hate a product, there are times you’ll love them. So keep them, you might use them someday.

-if you bought an expensive product but did not works for you, do not fret. You could get back atleast 50-70% by selling them online.

-People who look for reviews doesn’t really care for wrong grammars. They will notice more the information more than how you said it.

-Do not just consider sponsors as sponsors and readers as readers. Consider them as friends

-Do not write for your sponsors, write for your readers. I know, I have some sponsors now. But  hey, they can never dictate me. My blog is my world, I will tell my readers what I want them to learn from the products and it's based on my own honest opinion or experience. Afterall, I am not paid to do reviews, I write for my passion .

-When you succeed in something, do not be so proud. Thank the people behind your success. You could have not done it without them

So to all my sponsors and friends whom I consider as my friends in this Cyber world, thanks alot for sharing this 1 year with me! Hope you would still continue to support me and blog! Huggsss everyone! By the way, I will soon announce the winner of our giveaway! Stay tuned my lovely friends.