Halloween Party... Sailor Style

Hey everyone!

It's almost Halloween time! I'm not a huge Halloween fan, but I do have fun dressing up and partying with my friends. Every year, our friends invite BF and I over to their house to celebrate, but since they are moving this year, we all decided to go downtown Toronto to a sports bar called The Real Sports Bar.

This bar is amazing! I have never experienced anything like it before. There must be over 1000 tv's. It is the ultimate sports bar. We went to watch the hockey game, The Maple Leaf's of course. I think they were playing Pittsburg. I am not a hockey fan at all, but I do like going out and watching it with others. They make it enjoyable for me... lol.. now football.. I would love to watch that on the big screen.. lol

Anyhow, here are some shots from last night. I ended up being a sailor. I love the sailor costumes, especially since it's navy blue... my favorite color this season!

Take a peek. I took these pics from my iphone, most of them aren't the greatest quality.. sorry!

BF and I.. He is a monk, and I'm a sailor

BF and I again, this time in character

Terrible pic, but just wanted to show you the costume

Me and BF with one of our friends.. his costume was awesome!

Our friends we went with.. The Pirate & The Weed Man...lol

The Real Sports Bar.. The TV's are massive

This is my food.. BEST chicken fingers and sweet potato fries ever!!!

I cannot wait to go back to this bar!

Anyhow, off to do some much needed laundry before work tomorrow. Hope you all had a great weekend. Did anyone go out this weekend to any Halloween parties? If so, what did you go as? Comment below and tell me!! :)

Love always,