
A little caterpillar that I was,
Wriggling out of my tiny cocoon.
In those moments of generous applause,
I thanked God for His divine boon.

Transformed into an color butterfly,
Majestic, with wings tender.
If there is something for which I would vie,
It would be myself, my thoughts inner.

I wish to be an elegant lady,
Charming and priceless.
Modest to the hilt, like dear sweet Betty,
What stands out is my simplistic chicness.

Painting a picture of my hopes and wishes,
I love to weave a dream.
Close to my heart are my beautiful sketches.
Aren't they gems in life's endless stream?

My feet are firmly on the ground,
Yet all I want to is fly.
I am a princess uncrowned,
I have my eyes on the sky.

If there is something lovely,
They are my thoughts.
I'm searching for my prince deary,
For dancing the gavotte.

I'm a girl at heart,
A lady in my mind.
Where are you my dear sweetheart,
In your love I will be blind.

The road ahead is long,
Twisted and turned with challenges many.
I want to be with you lifelong,
As we conquer those milestones glitzy.

I promise to have a heart kind,
Just wish to be enormously generous.
Hope to do some good for mankind,
Would strive my best to drive away the darkness.

In a garden, dazzling with grass green,
Sitting under the rustic old tree.
My thoughts race to be your queen,
I desire to lose in your love, sweet and mushy.

To solve the puzzle of this life glorious,
I would do many a Sadhana.
Your companionship will drive away my loneness,
All I want to be is your Cinderella.

I want to be a Cinderella