Welcome RAISA!

I got a request from Raisa to feature her newly opened online shop. Raisa is my classmate way back my highschool years. Honestly, we’re not “super” close since we have a different group of friends. Anyway, I followed her on twitter and was surprised to know that she likes makeup alot! We tweeted each other and I encouraged her to do her blog also (since I told her that I have a blog)
And Guess what! Just an hour ago, she tweeted me  “@eloisa_co20 finally have my first ever post! iamraisa.blogspot.com.” 

Yay congrats Raisa! She already made 2 blog posts about makeup brushes (unbranded brushes and Marionnaud brushes) You girls should check out her blog: iamraisa.blogspot.com

Moving on, aside from her NEW Blog, Raisa has a new online store too. She is doing pre-order stuff from Nyx Cosmetics. The prices are really reasonable! Other than that she is also selling Mary Kay products. 

Visit her store by clicking the picture below. Kindly like her page too, it never hurts to like someone's page right? It's now the modern way to support someone instead of saying "Go Raisa" but well, ofcourse it would be better to do both :))
Oh la la! Ganito naba ang new trend? Maybe I should wear the same style on my lips? Bagay kaya? LOL! Pero mas bagay if I'll do it in my eyes. :)))