Shopping: M.A.C, Urban Decay & Starbucks

Hey Ladies,

Hope you all are having a great weekend so far. Yesterday I went shopping. I have been looking for a fall coat to wear for work. I have been searching for a navy blue one. I saw one at Zara and I WISH I bought it. I might go back and get it...seriously.. I might just do that...haha. I have also been searching for a winter coat. I might wait a little longer because I haven't found anything just yet, plus I hate buying things when I can't use it right away. Here in Canada, the winter months are just awful!!! It's times like that I wish I could vacay to somewhere hot and sunny.

Yesterday I was browsing through some make up. I picked up a few purchases that I probably didn't need, but since I have been working so hard lately, I thought I deserve to spend a little $$$ on a few things that I liked.

First, I started out with a yummy Skinny Vanilla Latte from Starbucks.. So yum!

Before I get to my make up, I do want to say that my hair has totally faded again, not as much as before, but I think I really just need to take the plunge and do it darker than I normally would. I mean, this shot was in the direct sunlight and I played around with the photo a little with colors etc... but still.. I'm either really used to the color, or my blonde hair is rejecting the dark.. lol.. My roots haven't changed, just the blonde.. crazy!

Anyhow, on to my purchases...

I went in to Sephora to pick up an UD Primer. While I was standing in line, the cashier was saying that they just got in a bunch of Naked Palette's in. I know how hard it is to find the UD Naked Palette, so I thought, what the heck.. I'm buying the primer potion and it's included in the palette.. I'm getting the palette! LOL

I have always loved all the Youtubers and blogs that RAV about this palette, plus a few girlfriends of mine have it and love it. I was standing in line with 2 of the colors in this palette anyway, so for a couple extra $$ I got all of them. So pretty! I normally wear eyeshadow when I'm going out, I mostly like to just keep it simple. But... there are simple and subtle colors in this palette, so that was a score purchase for me! It even came with a eyeshadow brush too. Bonus!

My next purchase was from M.A.C. I adore M.A.C for their make up. Probably one of my absolutel favorite stores. I needed to get a new lip gloss. I really liked this shade, it's called Underage. I have never tried it, but it was the sales lady's pick, and all of the colors she was picking for me were beautiful, so I went with this. It's such a soft pink-y color. Love it!

I also got an eyeshadow. It's a more white-y neutral color in Brule. It's so pretty on, just gorgeous! It will probably now be my day-to-day eyeshadow color. I loved it when the sales lady put this on me. Very subtle too!

That's all my purchases that my oh-so-fabulous budget let me spend this paycheck. I don't feel as guilty spending my money when I know that I have saved up a bit to get the things that I actually want, and not settling for something else, just because it's cheaper.

Hope you all have a great night!
