Happy Halloween from Puppy

Happy Halloween everyone!

I am so excited to hand out candy tonight! I absolutely LOVE seeing all the kids and their costumes, especially the really young ones. Our street has lots of little kids, and I cannot wait to see them. We don't do anything funky with decorating our house, we even forgot to get a pumpkin this year, but our light is on, and we are definitely handing out some candy. Maybe even keeping some for ourselves too...lol

I just wanted to show you what puppy dressed up as for Halloween. We were in Pet Smart exchanging a toy, and costumes were $5. We couldn't resist getting him one. The only problem was that there wasn't one that was big enough for him, so we had to go with a 2 piece costume.

Love my sweet Remy!! What a good sport!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween. Be safe and eat lots and lots of candy!!

Mel & Remy