Guest Blog: Jess from Style Says...

Happy Sunday everyone!

I have had a great weekend so far. I have been busy, yet relaxed and caught up on some much needed sleep!

Recently I was contacted by a girl named Jess. She runs a site called Style Says. I had never heard it before so I was really interested to see what it was all about. I was pleasently suprised with what the site had to offer. I wanted to pass along the info to her site to all of my lovely readers. She has been a pleasure to talk to, and also promoted me on her site to return the favor. It's always important to help support others, especially when we are all starting out. Here is my interview with her. You can check out my interview on her blog here and you can also see a short clip of what Style Says is all about here

Meet Jess from Style Says...

What inspired you to create the idea of Style Says?

After graduating from university my friends scattered around the country to cities like LA, New York, and Chicago. In college we loved going shopping together and it definitely felt like this was missing. Of course we emailed links of clothing back and forth, planning for visits and asking for advice. This still wasn't as enjoyable so some friends and I decided to create a place for us to meet online and go shopping. Since the site launched a few weeks ago I've been able to catchup with lots of friends while we shop our favorite brands and designers.

How would the average girl benefit from this site?

There are thousands of stores online with similar collections at lots of different prices, which makes finding the best items at the best prices challenging. StyleSays makes shopping online way easier since you can browse hundreds of hand-picked stores on one site and save your favorite finds to a personal wishlist. We have a simple bookmarking button, the Say It! button, you can add to your browser and when you find something you love at your favorite store you can click the button and the item will be added to your collection. And if you are unsure about purchasing that pair of leopard pumps, you can easily ask any of your Facebook friends through chat. You don't have to spam their wall and you'll get feedback instantly, just like you would in the dressing room.

Is Style Says available to people all around the world, or just stores that are within a certain area?

We're available to anyone and everyone. We have stores and shoppers from Europe, South America, Asia, and Australia. For the time being we only display stores that have purchasable items and product titles that are in English.

What are some of your personal favorite things about the site?

My favorite thing about StyleSays is the sales notification. When I save an item to my wishlist I'll be notified when the price drops. I come across so many amazing items everyday but I don't have the money to buy many of them. So getting a little notification that the price has dropped saves me a lot of time and money.

Lastly... give us an example of your personal style and favorite must haves?

My style is very subtle. I prefer to dress casually with one or two items that suggest I know what I'm doing. I think it's a combination of growing up in the midwest (where it's very casual) and moving to California where people get really into creating a strong personal style. Of course I do love to throw in some bright colors every once in a while for fun. Must haves include shoes by John Varvatos or Cole Haan and Rag & Bone jeans. I like to be comfy :)

Bonus! We're giving away designer jewelry and Shoedazzle subscriptions! Visit and click the giveaway banner to enter you and a friend for lots of prizes!

Thank you Jess. If you have any questions for her or about her site, please comment below and I will let her know :)

Thank you for being fabulous and supportive readers tonight. I have a brand new post for you all to read tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great weekend. What did everyone do???

Love lots,