Yucky Cellulite

Hey everyone!

So over the weekend, BF and I managed to go visit his friends for some birthday celebration. I had a blast. It was my first time ever, learning how to play flip cup. I think I'm officially addicted. I always seem to have so much fun with those group of friends. Just flat out, awesome people!!!

Anyhow, one of the girls and I were talking about cellulite. Uggghhh, I HATE cellulite. I feel like as I am getting older, it just seems to creep up on me more and more each day. Those lumpy, bumpy, cottage cheese looking grossness.. so yuck!!

I don't have a crazy amount of it, but I feel like I'm constantly fighting it off day by day. It sucks and I want it gone!!! lol. I mostly see it on the backs of my thighs. I even am starting to see it show it's ugly-ness on the outer and inner parts of my thighs. Sooooo embaressing!!!

I would really love to be able to be cellulite-free like this lovely lady (whoever she is)...lol

I bust my butt at the gym doing hamstring and leg exercises, and I drink lots and lots of water. I've been researching online, and here are some tips that I am going to try.

1.  Massaging the area for a good 5 min a night helps. Even using an electric massager so your hands don't cramp up.

2. Drink as much water as your little body can take. It's also amazing for your skin and hair (which you all already know right?...lol)

3. Cut down salt intake. Apparently salt causes you to retain water which makes the cellulite look even worse.. Goodbye salt!!!

4. Cut down on junk food and put clean, healthy foods into your diet. Lots of green veggies like broccoli, asparagus, green beans etc. Plus, it hydrates your body with nutrients and goodness too...yay!!

5. Exercising!!!! Some of the best exercises we can do to blast off that cellulite look is...Leg toning!!! (hamstring curls, cardio...like running, skipping, squats, lunges, yoga, pilates, biking, dance, jump around etc)

Note: It is important to sweat as much as you can while working out. Apparently sweat cleanses toxins from your body. The more you sweat, the more your skin is cleansed that cause cellulite to form. Also, it will reduce fat overall from your body, especially from the legs!!!!

Finally... Spray Tan!!!! This won't get rid of the cellulite, but it might reduce the appearance a little. Everyone looks better with a tan (at least I think so)... Slap on that self tanner people!!!

Does anyone know of any good creams or anything else that will reduce cellulite? I know we can't get rid of it, but I really would love not inheriting anymore!!!

Comment below and give me your awesome tips!

Love you all,

P.S I am still going to do a post about my arm workout (as requested), but I wanted to actually take pictures of me doing the exercises, and I need to plan on doing this when I can get to the gym on the weekends. There is a little room that I can use where it won't look weird for me to be taking pics of myself there. I haven't forgotten don't worry!! I don't have weights at home, so that's another reason why.